It's time for Follow Friday, a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee.com. Today's question is what is your book budget?
Well, I don't really have one. I get most of my books at yard sales, flea markets, and garage sales where they are $.50 at the most, so I never spend that much money on a book. The only time I pay full price is if it is something I have been waiting for and must have. I have a rule when I go into those big chain bookstores, you know which ones I mean, that I will not pay full price for a book unless it is of considerable length. I cannot justify paying $20 and upwards on a book that is a couple of hundred pages.
What about you?
1 comment:
Good Morning Diamond Girl!
Happy Friday.
I’m doing all three of the Friday blog runs. I don’t limit myself to budget with books. I just love to read and write so that line is always doable for me. And Yes, I love start a series at the 1st book.
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